Isaac Sloan - Web Developer, Photographer, Musician and Citizen of Earth

Deleting a Recreating Tags

August 03, 2017

Delete Tag

# delete tag locally
git tag -d 

# delete tag on remote
git push origin 

Adding Tags and Push to remote.

# Add tag locally
git tag -a -m "creating release"

# Add push tag to remote.
git push origin
Deleting a Recreating Tags

Everything a Web Designer needs to know about Git!

September 05, 2013

Step 1: Delete your Git GUI!

Don't use Tower because somehow you'll manage to break everything in magical ways that make no sense to me.

Step 2: Assume things!

Well I'm going to assume some things. If these things aren't true, assuming they are won't actually help on your part.

  • You're using a real operating system like OSX or Linux
  • Git is already installed on your system
Everything a Web Designer needs to know about Git!

Version Server Conf Files Locally with Git

July 17, 2014

Step 1: Choose the folder

cd your_conf_folder

Step 2: Initialize Git for the Folder

git init

Step 3: Create .gitignore

vim .gitignore

Copy the following whitelisting code into the file and modify where necessary.

# First, ignore everything
# Now, whitelist anything that's a directory
# Add all the file types you're interested in.
Version Server Conf Files Locally with Git