Isaac Sloan - Web Developer, Photographer, Musician and Citizen of Earth

Setting up MacOS Sierra for Rails Development

December 15, 2016

One of the only differences I've noticed is installing mysql is slightly different.

Step 1: Install XCode Command Line Tools

Install xcode.

xcode-select --install

Step 2: Install and prepare Homebrew

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew doctor
brew update

Step 3: Install rbenv

brew install rbenv ruby-build openssl
Setting up MacOS Sierra for Rails Development

Setting up for Rails development on El Capitan

November 12, 2015

One of the only differences I've noticed is installing mysql is slightly different.

Step 1: Install XCode Command Line Tools

xcode-select --install

Step 2: Install and prepare Homebrew

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew doctor
brew update

Step 3: Install rbenv

brew install rbenv ruby-build openssl
Setting up for Rails development on El Capitan

Setting up Ruby on Rails for OSX (10.10) Yosemite

March 20, 2015

Very little has changed since Mavericks but here's an updated tutorial.

Step 1: Install XCode Command Line Tools

xcode-select --install

Step 2: Install and prepare Homebrew

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew doctor
brew update

Step 3: Install rbenv

brew install rbenv ruby-build openssl
Setting up Ruby on Rails for OSX (10.10) Yosemite

Fixing MacVim Fullscreen in Yosemite

March 17, 2015

Many long term users of Macvim like myself have been annoyed that fullscreen mode cuts off the first couple lines and shows a bar on the right when using OSX Yosemite. After trying out multiple forks that kind of fixed it but also introduced other problems I finally found a satisfactory fix. Just run this in the terminal to turn off yosemites fullscreen method on macvim.

$ defaults write org.vim.MacVim MMNativeFullScreen 0
Fixing MacVim Fullscreen in Yosemite

Everything a Web Designer needs to know about Git!

September 05, 2013

Step 1: Delete your Git GUI!

Don't use Tower because somehow you'll manage to break everything in magical ways that make no sense to me.

Step 2: Assume things!

Well I'm going to assume some things. If these things aren't true, assuming they are won't actually help on your part.

  • You're using a real operating system like OSX or Linux
  • Git is already installed on your system
Everything a Web Designer needs to know about Git!