Isaac Sloan - Web Developer, Photographer, Musician and Citizen of Earth

Installing ffmpeg on Ubuntu 14.04

February 05, 2016

As of 14.04 Ubuntu no longer has ffmpeg in its default repositories. If you want to install it you'll have to add a new repo first.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/trusty-media

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
Installing ffmpeg on Ubuntu 14.04

Setting up an Ubuntu 14.04 Server for Rails

November 25, 2014

Step 1: Install Ubuntu

Step 2: Add a deploy user and optionally a user for yourself.

Assuming you're logged in as root add these users and login as "not root."

adduser deploy
adduser [yourname] #optionally
vim /etc/group
# add your users to the sudo group like so: 
vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# add to file or if they exist set the flags to no.
Setting up an Ubuntu 14.04 Server for Rails

How to Create a Ruby Gem

November 10, 2014

1. Create your gem:

Here is the most modern approach to gem crafting:

bundle gem gemname
cd gemname

edit your_gem.gemspec and add description, summary, required gems and optional website. Add required gems for development such as rspec, rails or minitest to the Gemfile.

2. Add testing framework:

rspec --init
touch spec/your_gem_spec.rb
# Rakefile
How to Create a Ruby Gem

Setting up Ruby on Rails for OSX (10.10) Yosemite

March 20, 2015

Very little has changed since Mavericks but here's an updated tutorial.

Step 1: Install XCode Command Line Tools

xcode-select --install

Step 2: Install and prepare Homebrew

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew doctor
brew update

Step 3: Install rbenv

brew install rbenv ruby-build openssl
Setting up Ruby on Rails for OSX (10.10) Yosemite

Fixing MacVim Fullscreen in Yosemite

March 17, 2015

Many long term users of Macvim like myself have been annoyed that fullscreen mode cuts off the first couple lines and shows a bar on the right when using OSX Yosemite. After trying out multiple forks that kind of fixed it but also introduced other problems I finally found a satisfactory fix. Just run this in the terminal to turn off yosemites fullscreen method on macvim.

$ defaults write org.vim.MacVim MMNativeFullScreen 0
Fixing MacVim Fullscreen in Yosemite